- Eberl, Irmfried
- Edelman, Salman
- Ehrenburg, Ilya
- Eichmann, Adolf
- Einsatzgruppen
- Eisenschmidt, Eliezer
- Eitan, Dov
- Emigration
- Engel, Chaim
- Epstein, Berthold
- Erber, Josef
- Erntefest
- Escapes, from Gas Chamber
- Euthanasia
- Euthanasia
- Evacuations, from German Camps
- Evidence
- Exaggerated Death Tolls
- Excavations, of German Mass Graves
- Execution Chambers
- Exotic Murder Weapons
- Explosives, as a Murder Weapon
- Explosives, to Erase Corpses
- Extermination Camps
- Extirpation