Kudlik, Aleksander
Aleksander Kudlik was a former inmate of the Treblinka II Camp, who arrived there on 12 October 1942 from Częstochowa. He signed an affidavit on 10 October 1945, in which he stated that he had no first-hand knowledge of how exterminations were carried out at Treblinka, but instead relied on the tales told by inmates who claimed to know, primarily Jankiel Wiernik. At that camp, he claimed to have been allowed to sort fountain pens for six months straight.
In deviation from Wiernik’s account, Kudlik claimed that the killing was done by first pumping air out, and then pumping exhaust fumes in, a nonsensical procedure that is a compromise between some claiming the use of exhaust gasses and others insisting on vacuum as the murder method. However, creating a vacuum in a brick-and-mortar building is technically impossible (the external pressure would crush the walls), hence most certainly was not done.
Kudlik also reduced the packing density in the gas chamber to a value that is at least theoretically possible, from Wiernik’s 1,000 to 1,500 per chamber of some 50 m² (20 to 30 people per m²) to just 5,000 people in all ten chambers, without giving a chamber size. But if we take Wiernik’s claim, then this results in 10 people per m².
Kudlik insisted that, during his time at the camp from mid-October to around Christmas (some 70 days), on average three transports arrived per day with 60 rail cars of 120 deportees each, hence in total 1.5 million Jews just in that time span — almost twice the number of all Jews ever deported to or through Treblinka.
(For details, see Mattogno 2021e, p. 165; zapisyterroru.pl/.)