Lesky, Simcha
In 1946, the eyewitness account
of Simcha Lesky about his brief stay at the Treblinka Camp was published in a Jewish historical journal. Lesky arrived there at the end of July 1942, and managed to escape just four days later. According to this, inmates in a hidden part of the camp were killed with machine guns during the night. The next day, the victims were put on a pyre and burned.
However, no sane person would kill people at night with machine guns. Imagine the panic among the deportees, how they start running chaotically, and how stray bullets are flying everywhere. And all this in the darkness of the night, when aiming was all but impossible.
The cremation of corpses in late July-early August 1942 is also completely anachronistic, as the orthodox narrative insists that cremations started only in March of 1943. (See Mattogno 2021e, pp. 185f.)