Watt, Donald
During World War Two, Donald Watt (10 Aug. 1918 – 29 May 2000) was an Australian soldier. In 1995, Watt published his memoirs, titled Stoker. He claimed in it that he had been incarcerated at the Auschwitz Camp, where he was allegedly assigned to the Sonderkommando serving as a cremation furnace stoker.
Due to its many claims not in agreement with the orthodox narrative of what transpired at Auschwitz and how the crematoria and gas chambers allegedly function, skepticism was soon voiced by mainstream scholars from leading orthodox institutions, such as Yad Vashem, the Auschwitz Museum and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Watt’s memoirs were ultimately exposed as fake by German-Australian mainstream historian Konrad Kwiet in 1997. (See Kwiet 1997.)